
Aug.1960 Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers' Association(JAIMA) was founded with 18 member companies.
Nov.1962 The first Exhibition of Analytical Instruments was held at the Otemachi Annex of the Metropolitan Industry Hall. Twenty-two companies exhibited their products using a total of 101 booth units.
The first Exhibition of Analytical Instruments
The first Exhibition of Analytical Instruments
1978 The associate member system introduced.
Apr.1980 JAIMA was registered as an incorporated association.
1980 Published the first issue of the JAIMA newsletter.
1983 Published the first issue of the "Analytical Instruments Guidebook."
1987 The 25th Exhibition of Analytical Instruments was held at Tokyo Harumi Trade Center. 74 companies exhibited their products.
The 25th Exhibition of Analytical Instruments
The 25th Exhibition of Analytical Instruments
1992 Began exchanging market statistics with AIA (Analytical Instruments Association).
2000 Celebrated its 40th Anniversary.
2001 The "Exhibition of Analytical Instruments" was renamed the "JAIMA SHOW" and opened its doors to a wider range of exhibitors.

The newsletter was renamed the "JAIMA SEASON."
2002 Held the commemorative 40th exhibit.
2005 Began compiling the statistics on analytical instruments bookings in the world, in collaboration with ALSSA.
Established ARTM.
45th anniversary commemorative project of the association.
2006 ALSSA - JAIMA - GAMBICA Joint Meeting.
Published the terminological dictionary of instrumental analysis.
2010 Celebrated the 50th Anniversary.
2012 The heritage certification program of analytical and scientific instruments started.
2012 JAIMA EXPO/SIS has been renamed JASIS.
2013 Started as a Japanese General Incorporated Association (Reorganized from a Japanese Incorporated Association).
2015 Celebrated the 55th Anniversary.
2020 Celebrated the 60th Anniversary.