
Statistical Data of Analytical Instruments Production / Export (FY2023)

Classification of Instruments Production Export
(Unit:K JPY)
Over the
year (%)
(Unit:K JPY)
Over the
year (%)
laboratory use
Electrochemical analyzers 2,561,746 111.6 607,548 130.8
Optical and
spectrophotometric analyzers
27,682,099 106.6 11,897,491 104.7
Electromagnetic analyzers 277,844,436 114.0 198,832,901 111.6
Separation analysis apparatus 62,257,318 89.9 33,814,176 92.0
・Enriched・Extracter apparatus
433,304 87.7 78,623 52.1
Thermal analyzers and
thermal measuring instruments
5,556,604 128.3 1,866,782 184.9
Specialized measuring instruments 6,825,324 120.3 3,640,285 127.4
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for laboratory use
(Including parts,accessories)
2,433,379 111.2 652,844 110.0
Subtotal 385,594,210 108.9 251,390,650 108.6
Analytical instruments
environmental monitoring
Air pollution analyzers(including
Automotive emission analyzers)
21,304,924 112.1 9,596,023 117.3
Water pollution analyzers 4,214,025 94.8 1,537,875 72.9
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for environmental pollution
(Including parts,accessories)
2,296,543 105.9 1,009,211 108.1
Subtotal 27,815,492 108.6 12,143,109 108.2
Analytical instruments for process use 7,186,862 116.2 2,367,645 103.4
Analytical instruments for working
environmental and safeguarding use
19,132,401 96.6 9,492,475 102.5
Clinical test instruments and system Clinical chemistry and Immunology analyzer 189,128,004 113.4 159,237,502 112.8
Hematology analyzer (Blood cell
counter, Coagulation analyzer etc.)
51,621,338 81.4 44,049,288 80.2
General Inspection equipment's. (Urinalysis Analyzers,
fecal occult blood system etc.)
20,701,279 85.2 13,739,971 87.9
Other IVDs 11,873,204 81.9 8,862,331 75.0
Subtotal 273,323,825 101.6 225,889,092 101.0
Automation related instruments
and information systems
2,125,973 116.6 64,653 75.8
Bio technology-related analytical instruments 7,248,104 81.0 7,112,338 85.9
Analytical instruments for Food 0 *<-> 0 *<->
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for medical use
1,361,252 109.3 200,124 217.5
Total 723,788,119 105.4 508,660,086 104.6

1. *<->:no previous data

Trends of Production / Export