
Statistical Data of Analytical Instruments Production / Export (FY2017)

Classification of Instruments Production Export
(Unit:K JPY)
Over the
year (%)
(Unit:K JPY)
Over the
year (%)
laboratory use
Electrochemical analyzers 3,316,534 101.3 534,090 126.2
Optical and
spectrophotometric analyzers
22,621,330 96.1 8,831,138 103.8
Electromagnetic analyzers 177,319,025 111.3 119,280,781 116.8
Separation analysis apparatus 49,713,993 103.2 26,393,670 106.8
・Enriched・Extracter apparatus
589,942 127.5 66,063 243.7
Thermal analyzers and
thermal measuring instruments
3,441,256 104.1 841,759 135.2
Specialized measuring instruments 6,052,019 99.9 2,819,842 119.1
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for laboratory use
(Including parts,accessories)
1,983,534 114.3 357,023 109.4
Subtotal 265,037,633 107.8 159,124,366 114.4
Analytical instruments
environmental monitoring
Air pollution analyzers(including
Automotive emission analyzers)
27,806,599 119.5 12,188,608 141.2
Water pollution analyzers 5,057,351 87.8 2,671,382 98.5
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for environmental pollution
(Including parts,accessories)
1,783,989 4484.5 661,399 *<->
Subtotal 34,647,939 119.2 15,521,389 136.8
Analytical instruments for process use 6,860,800 95.8 2,865,221 97.2
Analytical instruments for working
environmental and safeguarding use
12,212,801 107.1 4,154,501 110.8
Clinical test instruments and system Clinical chemistry and Immunology analyzer 135,827,211 94.3 107,196,799 89.6
Hematology analyzer (Blood cell
counter, Coagulation analyzer etc.)
63,000,922 95.3 55,549,339 95.7
General Inspection equipment's. (Urinalysis Analyzers,
fecal occult blood system etc.)
22,037,045 96.6 15,485,337 96.3
Other IVDs 10,259,095 59.1 9,151,813 67.8
Subtotal 231,124,273 92.3 187,383,288 90.4
Automation related instruments
and information systems
1,345,113 98.9 34,659 105.2
Bio technology-related analytical instruments 6,919,762 113.1 6,715,839 114.5
Analytical instruments for Food 3,546 120.1 0 *<->
Miscellaneous analytical instruments
for medical use
9,614,615 269.2 2,191,977 189.9
Total 567,766,482 102.3 377,991,240 101.8

1. *<->:no previous data
2. last modified:December 11, 2018

Trends of Production / Export

Trends of Production and Export