Message from Chairman

Toshihide Orihashi, Chairman IVD Instrument Committee

As a low-birthrate and an aging population in Japan, public expectation has been shifting to not only medical treatments but also prevention and care.
In the medical services, as clinical testing is used for prevention, diagnosis, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness, its role and function have become increasingly greater and more important.

In order to meet requirements from clinical fields and contribute to national health care, the companies related to clinical instruments should realize accurate and rapid clinical testing by improving safety and quality of their products and developing new analytical methods/principles.

Under the above situation, we, IVD Instrument Committee of JAIMA has been representing In Vitro Diagnostics Medical Device (Clinical instruments) manufacturers in Japan and promoting the following issues.

  • To study and research related to IVD Medical Device (Clinical instruments).
  • To provide information on product safety and occupational safety and health.
  • To deal with Japanese product regulations/standards and foreign product regulations/standards.

In addition, we supply information on IVD to member companies by cooperation with government, allied academic societies as well as other associations and organizations, and deal with diffusion of corporate ethics for medical industry.
Through these activities, we will raise the value and status of IVD in medical industry.